domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Maria José Ramos Mendoza

Things that I Did in Holy week

1. I have slept in Holy week
2. I go Church
3. I to read the bible in the holy week
4. I me amusement much

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Adjectives Comparatives/Superlatives

Young- younger- they are younger than us - youngest -  we are youngest than my mother

Small- smaller- my mother is smaller than me - smallest- my mother is the smallest family

Difficult - Difficult - studying english is more difficult than biology- difficult - the english is the most difficult  studying in my country

Cheap - cheaper - this shoes are cheaper than other shoes - cheapest -  this shoes are cheapest of this mall

Thin - thinner - Valeria is thinner than Juana - thinnest - Valeria is thinnest of school

Expensive - this laptop is more expensive than my computer - expensive - this laptop is most expensive of the shop

Old - older - my sister is older than me - oldest - my mother's jewels are the oldest family

Dirty - dirtier - my shirt is dirtier than my head - dirtiest - the streets of my city is the country's dirtiest

Clean - cleaner- my hands is cleaner than my head - cleanest - the streets of my city is the country´s cleanest

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Possessive Pronouns...

My - Mío/a Mios/as

I forgot my pencil.
His - De el
I like cap his.
Her - De ella
I like the home her.
Ours - De nosotros / Nuestro
 I love our world.
Their - De ellos/as
this dog is theirs?.
Your - Tuyo / de ustedes /suyo
this home is yours.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Tarea Ingles

Las Normas del buen oyente

1. Mirar a los ojos al hablante.
2. Atender a lo que dice.
3. Evitar interrumpir al hablante.
4. Esperar que el hablante termine, para responder.

Normas del buen hablante  

 1.Expresarse en forma clara y sencilla.
2. Mirar a las personas con quien se habla.

3. Utilizar un tono de voz adecuado.
4. Pronunciar correctamente las palabras.